Motivation Monday with Audrey Hepburn: Changing Perspective

Oh, Audrey. Not only do you warm our hearts with one of Hollywood’s happiest rom-coms, but you also offer this piece of wisdom that feels so appropriate right now.

Motivation Monday Changing Perspective
With June disappearing faster than Deep Blue Something‘s music career (bonus points if you made the connection to the above quote), and the Fourth of July tomorrow, I’ve had a bit of a reality check in terms of my summer projects.

Ever since I was little, July 4th felt like the halfway point through summer. As I check in on my list of projects, I have to grudgingly acknowledge that I’m not halfway through completing them. Wow, that is discouraging.

Luckily, Hepburn’s mantra was just the push I needed to get me out of my funk. My goals, while certainly a challenge, are not impossible. Rather, I just need to shift gears a bit. I need to re-evaluate my strategy, and in the wise words of another favorite celebrity, “just keep swimming “.


(I had no idea I’d be making all of these pop culture references today, I guess that’s what happens with stream of conscience talk-to-text at 5:30 in the morning.)

Do you have any major hurdles coming up? Do Hepburn’s words of wisdom speak to you? Share your thoughts below!

18 thoughts on “Motivation Monday with Audrey Hepburn: Changing Perspective”

  1. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. She is such an inspiration not only in the Hollywood word but for all her good works. Great Motivation Monday post!

  2. Thank you so much for this motivation! I’m a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn! And reading this reminded me that I should not give up, that I will make it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, right? Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

    1. Isn’t she great? And you’re right, if you want good results, you have to work for them:) Just keep swimming.

  3. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not “impossible,” but “I’m possible.” What a wonderful reset for our minds that tend to magnify our problems and limitations. Nothing is impossible with Christ. Since His Spirit lives in me, I can do all things. Thanks for the blessed and timely reminder today!

  4. I love this quote!! It’s actually something I’ve been thinking about a lot. I have some big goals with my health coaching business, and the life of an entrepreneur is filled with moments of self-doubt. I have to constantly talk myself back up ; )

    1. It’s such an important reminder for all of us. If we don’t make big goals, we won’t reach them:)

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