21 Easy Tips You Need To Simplify Your Life

Does it seem like you can’t possibly make another decision?

Do you wish you could streamline your crazy schedule?

Are you ready for some simplicity in your life?

Then you’re in the right place, my friend.

Because this week on the I’m Busy Being Awesome podcast, we’re exploring simple strategies to help you do just that.

And what’s more, you can implement these tactics today.

So give the episode a listen and choose one or two strategies to try.

You’ll say goodbye to decision fatigue and hello to simplicity before you know it.

Plus, grab your free guidebook here to keep you on track!

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Listen To The Podcast Here!

In This Episode, You Will Discover… 

  • The important balance of mindset and strategy when it comes to implementing new concepts
  • Over 20 powerful strategies to simplify and streamline your life
  • How to implement these tactics in your life today to create the life you want

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Episode 59: 21 Easy Tips You Need To Simplify Your Life

Hey, friends! What’s happening? Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the I’m Busy Being Awesome. As always, I’m so thrilled that you’re here.

Today we are taking a deep dive into simplifying our lives, making things easy, and reducing decision fatigue. So if you’re feeling like you could benefit from taking the intensity down a notch, then you’re in the right place.

Now, this is a very action-oriented podcast. As you know, most of my episodes have a pretty even balance between mindset and tactical strategy. You’ve all heard me talk – time and time again – about the importance of examining what’s going on in your brain. You need to know what you’re thinking in order to understand why you’re feeling the way you do. Why you’re showing up the way you are. And why you have the current results you have.

Focus on Your Mindset First

If you haven’t done the thought work to clean up the negative thoughts, then implementing the tactics I teach in terms of productivity, focus, time management, new habits, Etc. just aren’t going to stick.

And this is why I spend so much time talking about our mindset. Because it truly applies to every area in your life. Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings drive your actions, and your actions create your results. So in short, if you’re not thinking useful thoughts, you are not going to create the results that you want in your life, and no amount of tactical strategy is going to stick around for the long term.

New Listeners

Now, if this is your first podcast. First of all, welcome! I’m super happy you’re tuning in today. Second of all, don’t worry if you have no idea what I’m talking about in terms of mindset and your thoughts creating your results.

Definitely keep listening to this episode, but then you might want to check out either episode 56 or episode 8, both of which walk you step-by-step through the mindset stuff. Of course, all of my episodes touch on it in some shape or form. But those two episodes really explain it in detail. So again, check out episodes 8 or 56. I will link to those in the show notes as well.

Anyway, as I alluded to at the beginning of the show, this episode is very tactical. It is packed with different actions to take and suggestions to try in order to help you simplify the extraneous stuff around you.

What Creates Simplicity and Ease

But before we get into the tactics, I want to stress a few very important points. First of all, even though I am giving suggestions for how to simplify the stuff in your life, it is not the simplification of stuff that creates a simple life. It is not the simplification of stuff that makes things easy.


It is our thoughts about the situation – about the stuff – that creates a feeling of ease. It is because we think something like, “things are so simple now.” or “it’s so easy.” that we feel a much calmer, more collected set of emotions.

Consider Minimialist Decor

How can this be? Well, just think about people’s differing tastes in terms of what clutter or simplicity means. Some people absolutely hate the minimalist look. They think it looks cold and impersonal. They feel super uncomfortable because they think it’s like living in a museum. On the other hand, there are people who absolutely love the minimalist look and feel completely at peace. 

So again, it is not the circumstance. It is not the amount of stuff on your shelves or the tasks on your to-do list that makes you feel calm or overwhelmed. It is your thoughts about it.

Decision Fatigue

Now. There is such a thing as decision fatigue. Studies have shown that the more people make decisions throughout the day, the more difficult decision making becomes. And because of this, our ability to make good decisions for our future selves deteriorates with every big or small decision we make throughout the day. And at some point, we start giving in to the instant gratification decisions that take less willpower.

That’s why, by the end of the day, it’s easy to find yourself getting take out instead of making dinner. It’s probably why you find yourself staying up late and scrolling social media instead of going to bed early. Or maybe you find yourself simply slipping into complete overwhelm and unable to make decisions at all.

I know I’ve been in all three of these scenarios. And one of the most powerful ways to help me keep practicing the thoughts that serve me, keep feeling focused and calm, and keep showing up as my best self, is to reduce the number of decisions I have to make each day. Because then I can use my energy to make the important decisions that matter and move me forward.

So today I am excited to share with several different ways to help you reduce decision fatigue.

A Word of Warning

Now here’s the deal. The irony is not lost on me that I’m giving you a whole bunch of different options to help you reduce your decision fatigue. I do recognize that this is a little bit ridiculous.

So I want to preempt these tips with a little advice. Listen through the podcast, and pay attention to one or two that stand out to you. Think about one or two things that seem easy or doable to implement this week. And give them a try.

Don’t try to implement all 20 of the suggestions all at once. Because you’re going to find yourself stuck in overwhelm once again.

Grab The PDF

So just choose one or two things to try. And in the meantime, you can grab the checklist of ideas, which I compiled for you in a beautiful PDF, which you can download and keep on your computer, or print out and hang on the refrigerator, and simply use it as a reference.

That way, whenever you start noticing that you are making a whole lot of decisions, you have this reminder to help simplify the things around you. And this, in turn, helps reduce your decisions and leaves more headspace for the thoughts and decisions that serve you.

So if you want to grab the PDF, you can do so here!

So let’s get into the strategies, shall we? As I mentioned, I have about 20 different tactics to share with you, and I’ve divided them up into four categories of simplification. Some of them are tiny little hacks, while others are big picture concepts. And again, you can pick and choose what sounds simple, doable, and effective for your current situation.

Simplify Your Schedule

So the first category we’ll explore is different approaches to simplifying your schedule. 

Now here’s the deal. I know some people completely recoil at the thought of a schedule. And this is especially true for of my ADHD clients out there – you know who you are. They think that they don’t want to be boxed in. They don’t want to feel tied down by a routine. Or they don’t like the feeling of restriction of doing the same thing day in and day out.

First of all, those are all thoughts. And you can change them if you want to. But second of all, I would really challenge the belief that routines and schedules mean restriction.

Routine Means Freedom

In fact, for me, having consistent routines means freedom. Because when I put the boring daily stuff on autopilot, then I can use all of my excess brainpower to do super fun, exciting, amazing things. I can use my energy to go after whatever big goal I’m working toward, rather than using it all up trying to decide what to wear in the morning and what to make for dinner at night.

So, what might this look like? How can you start creating easy schedules to simplify things?

Meal Prep Routine

One area that I just mentioned has to do with meals. Here’s the deal, I read a statistic from a Cornell University study that found people make over 200 decisions about food a day. 200 decisions!?! That’s crazy. I think I’ll save decisions for something more important, thank you very much. 

And there are so many different ways you can do this. For example, for a while, I used to do themed nights.

Sunday was usually some kind of chicken dinner. Monday was a salad using the leftover chicken. Tuesday was taco night. Wednesday was some sort of leftovers with the taco meat. Thursday was usually one of a few soups in the Crock-Pot or instant pot, and Friday and Saturday would either be whatever leftovers we had from the week or breakfast for dinner.

And we had about a two-week rotation with this kind of plan, and we would just rotate through. Super simple.

Now, I’m not going to lie. I’ve gotten even lazier… Or more efficient, is how I like to think of it. Now on Sundays, I do a big meal prep. I brown up ground turkey. I make a bag of beans in the instant pot. And I usually make up some chicken. Then I cut up vegetables for salads. Throughout the week I usually have a combination of protein on top of vegetables – whether it’s a salad, a stir-fry, or roasted vegetables. And I call it a day.

Picky Eaters

Now, I realize that many of you have picky eaters in the household. So they might not be super excited about this build your own protein and vegetable medley. But, you could delegate one night a week to each family member to choose what they want for dinner. That way the decision has already been made, and if they are old enough, they could even get involved in the kitchen helping you make it.

Follow a Work Out Schedule

Another super easy way to reduce decisions in your daily schedule is in your workouts. Make the plan super simple.

Before COVID, I would simply go to whatever class was offered at my gym at 5:15 every morning. That way, all I had to do was wake up and go to class. I didn’t have to think about what workouts to do. I didn’t have to think about how much weights to lift or how far to run or how long to work out. Instead, I just showed up and did the class.

Now that I am working out at home, I’ve created a very similar schedule. I subscribed to a workout program online, and they have a pre-planned workout schedule for me so I literally get up at 5, open up the program, and do the next video in the cue. That’s it. No decisions necessary.

If you’re not into classes, maybe you just do a simple alternation. Walking one day, weights the next. Or running one day, weights the next.

But whatever you do, make sure you choose a specific time of day and specific days throughout the week that you are going to do this. Otherwise, you waste a bunch of time negotiating what time of day and when you’re going to do it. But we’re not doing that anymore. We are reducing the need for decisions. So make the specific days and specific times clear.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

The same goes for my next suggestion, which has been a game-changer for me. And that is having a cleaning schedule. Now, perhaps most of you already have a cleaning schedule. But I didn’t. I just used to tell myself that I would do it at some time throughout the week. But because I didn’t have a designated time, I was constantly negotiating with myself when I would clean.

Now, however, I know that on Sunday morning – first thing after walking Bruno – it’s cleaning time.

Alternatively, maybe you divide it up throughout the week. Monday is the kitchen, Tuesday is the bathroom, Wednesday you vacuum, Etc. find what works for you and stick with it.

Schedule Time For Relationships

Now this next scheduling strategy might sound strange, but I think it’s an important one. And this is scheduling time with the people you love.

I have several friends who have special date days with each of their kids. So Tuesday after school is a special outing with one child and Thursday after school is time with the other. Or maybe Saturday night is always movie night with the family. Or perhaps Sunday morning is always reserved for church and then coffee with a couple of your friends.

Whatever it is that’s important to you, put it on regular rotation. I have an every other week standing coffee date – well for the last several months it’s been standing Zoom call – with one of my good friends. It’s in the calendar no matter what. Every other Saturday at 10:00 like clockwork. No decisions. No trying to figure out what day works best for the next time we get together. It’s already set. Decision made.

Streamline Your Work Schedule

And then the last suggestion within our schedule category is in terms of work. Now I talked about this a lot more in-depth in my batch work episode, which was episode 43. So I won’t go into it in depth here. But if you are a position where you can batch your work according to themed days. For example, I have coaching days, podcast day, backend/website/invoice day, etc. If you can create themed days, you once again reduce the number of decisions you need to make throughout the week.

Because when each day has a theme, when you schedule your to-do list throughout the week, you know where each task falls. If you have several people you need to call back, and Tuesdays or Tuesday afternoons are dedicated to client outreach, you know that you will make those calls on Tuesday.

Simplify Your Errands

All right, the next area where you can simplify has to do with grocery shopping, general shopping, and having supplies on hand.

Online Grocery Shopping

So how can we simplify our grocery shopping? Again, there are so many ways. First of all, if you are not using Instacart or Shippt or whatever online grocery service is near you yet, what is happening? I am telling you, this is the best time saver ever. 

I’ve been having my groceries delivered for the last year – year-and-a-half, and the amount of time I save is remarkable. Plus, I don’t spend a bunch of time – and money – making decisions on impulse buys, trying to decide between brands, or simply getting distracted by everything in a grocery store. Instead, I replenish the staples on my usual list; I add whatever few additional things I need for the week, and I hit order. Done.

Know Your Grocery Staples

Now, I know not everybody likes online grocery shopping. Or maybe you don’t have it in your area or whatever. No worries. Here’s my next tip. Keep a list of your grocery staples that you always have in your house. Then before going for groceries, you can quickly check your list against what you have to decide what you need. 

So for example, I always have plain greek yogurt in the house. I eat at least one container a day. So I know I need a certain amount to stay stocked throughout the week. And I don’t have to think about it, because I have my staples list right in front of me.

Keep A Running List

Additionally, I recommend keeping a running list of items that you know you need to get the next time you’re at the store. I use the shopping list on my iPhone, and anytime I notice I need anything or I just ran out of something that’s not on my staples list, I just say, “Siri add more vanilla to the shopping list.” and she does.

Technology. It’s the best. That way when it’s grocery shopping day, you’re not doing that last-minute scramble trying to remember everything you need. Instead, your list is waiting for you ready to go. 

Schedule Delivery of Staples

Now, my next tip is to put your pantry staples and household staples on a regular delivery schedule. Of course, Amazon is one option, but there are so many different delivery services out there now that do this kind of scheduled delivery.

I personally have things like laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and paper towels, pet food, etc. set up for auto-delivery. Basically, anything you use on a regular basis can be put on scheduled delivery. And if you take just a few minutes to think about how quickly you go through those items, you can put them on a delivery schedule to replenish every two weeks, four weeks, 12 weeks, whatever. And then you can set it and forget it and know that you will always have the items on hand when you need them. One less decision.

Have An Extra On Hand

One last tip in terms of shopping and supplies is something I learned from my dad growing up. Whenever I would go and run errands with him, or pick something up at the store for him, he would always have me get three of the thing. And this is a great option if you don’t want to schedule your staples or it’s not an option for you.

So if I was getting tinfoil, for example, he would have me get three tinfoil. I was getting toothpaste, he’d have me get three toothpaste. That way, you greatly reduce the risk of running out. Because you create some buffer room – some flexibility in case you forget to grab one at the store the next time you go. Which, let’s face it. is really easy to do.  Especially with ADHD.

So the moral of the story here is to have backups for the things that you definitely know you need. And I’m not saying to go all doomsday prepper here. But I do like to have one extra bottle of shampoo and conditioner. One extra bottle of face wash and lotion. An extra contact solution, Etc. Having that extra stuff on hand simplifies things because it reduces the chance of completely running out.

Organization Strategies

Okay. So we’ve talked about simplifying and reducing decisions for schedules and for shopping and supplies. Now let’s talk about different ways to simplify with organization. And with this category, we’re going to see both small tactical strategies and bigger picture approaches.

So let’s start with the small stuff. And I want to start by talking about your computer.

Close the Tabs

Here’s the deal. If you are a person with six million different tabs open on your browser, you are creating so many different decisions for yourself every time you look at your screen. You use your brain energy as you try to figure out what tab you want to be working on. You fight the impulse of wanting to check out the open tabs that are often more alluring than the thing you’re working on – whether that’s email, Facebook, Instagram, what have you. And on top of that, you’re using a lot of your computer’s energy as well, which also slows things down.

So the simple answer is, close your tabs. But I also understand the stress of closing all of those said tabs. If you’re like me, you like to leave them open so you don’t forget about what you were working on her what you were looking at. I get that.

One Tab

There is a Google Chrome extension called one tab. Friends, if you have not used this before, get excited. Because it’s awesome. When you use one tab, it collapses all of the tabs that you have open in one browser window into one organized section, which you can then reopen at any time. So it basically takes all of your open tabs in whatever window you’re looking at, collapses them, and stores them out of sight. See you won’t forget them, but you also won’t be fighting with the distraction from them either.

So again, it is called One Tab. They’re not a sponsor; they’re a free plugin. But I just love it. I will link to the plugin in the show notes and it is also in that PDF. So make sure you grab it.

Reduce Desktop Distraction

Sticking with your computer, I also recommend cleaning off your desktop. If you look at your desktop and it is littered with different folders and files and pictures and screenshots, this is creating overload for your brain. It is so much stimulation and so much information that your brain has to work through just to find the document that you want to work on. If possible, clear off that desktop. Maybe have one or two folders on there if you use them regularly. But get as much as possible off of that desktop to reduce additional visual stimulation.

One Planner or Notebook

My next tip to reduce the organization overload is to have just one planner or notebook. I know this might sound crazy. And I know that so many of you love to collect different planners and journals and notebooks with the hopes that you found “the one” that will keep you organized. But here’s the deal. I’ve been there too. I have that same planner graveyard that maybe worked for a week and then ended up in the back of a drawer.

This is one more wonderful example of our mindset over the tactic or the tool. Because once again, it is not “the how.” It is not the perfect planner or the perfect calendar that will get you organized. It is what you’re thinking about how you’re feeling and how you’re showing up with whatever planner you use.

So choose one planner that works for you. I encourage you to use one that has enough space to write in it. Don’t try and write your entire day’s worth of tasks in a 1-inch by 1-inch square. Unless you literally have one thing to do for the entire day, that’s silly. 1 planner or notebook to keep everything together. That way you’re not trying to find whatever it is you wrote down in whatever notebook it was. You always know what notebook it is.


Now, one alternative to that is to use your iPad, and I think this is especially useful if you have an iPad with an apple pencil. This is what I’ve been using recently, and it’s really been a game-changer for me. I use an app called notability, but there is also an app called GoodNotes that a lot of people like.

And I keep all of my different notebooks organized within that app. So I have a general notebook for random thoughts. It’s the one that I use to write down stuff that pops in my mind when I’m working. I don’t want to forget the idea, but I also don’t want to go down the rabbit hole and start exploring right away.  So I have my random idea notebook.

I also have a notebook designated for my daily to-do list that’s broken down into time blocking sections. There’s a notebook for podcast ideas. I have a notebook for designing programs and content for my clients. And all of this is organized within one app.

It’s kind of like a digital version of the five subject notebooks. Do you remember what I’m talking about? I used to love getting those when I was in school. Though to be honest, I would never go through the subjects at the same speed, and it was never actually very practical. But I digress.

It’s basically the same idea. I keep everything organizes within one app. And if you want to see what that looks like, I will share a picture on Instagram when this podcast comes out so you can see how things are organized. 

Use One Calendar

Now my next step is very similar, and that is to use just one calendar. So for example, I use my Google Calendar. And I use it to schedule out my weeks as well as anything that I know is coming up in the months ahead. so rather than trying to manage your work calendar, Your Kids Calendar, your partner’s calendar, your personal calendar. Get everything together on one calendar. Many of the different programs can sync up and talk to one another. So that you can manage everything from one place and not have to worry about juggling two different calendars or missing different appointments. Everything can be pulled together in one place. Easy.

Have A Place For Everything

Now thinking about that idea from a different angle, I also love the idea of having a specific place for everything. So now we’re moving away from the computer we’re moving away from your calendars and organization tools. And now I am talking about the stuff in your house. I’m talking about the things that need to get organized or put away. I encourage you to create a place for everything. Because when you have a place for everything, it’s so much easier to put those things away. Crazy, huh?

And this might sound obvious, but the thing is… We all have stuff that doesn’t really have a home. For example, for a long time, I did not have a home for the headset mic that I use when I’m coaching clients. So when I got done coaching for the day, I would just kind of wrap it up and put it on my desk. But didn’t feel put away. And I would sometimes misplace it because it didn’t actually have a home. But then I just hung a 3M hook on the side of my desk, and now it hangs right there. So anytime I looking for it, I know exactly where it is.

The same goes for anything that often feels out of place or you often find yourself losing. Where does your dog leash go? Where do your keys hang? What do you want to do with the mail that comes in every day? What about the different kitchen utensils you have? Does each one have space? Do the spatulas go in one drawer and the can opener and vegetable peeler go in another space? When you give everything a home, you know exactly where to look when you need it, and you know exactly where to put it when it’s done. You’re not wasting time and energy trying to decide where to put it or remember where you put it last.

Decide Ahead of Time

And as a side note, I also love to decide ahead of time where I am going to put something new if I am shopping. So if I decide I want to buy a new pan, I decide ahead of time where it’s going to go, and I often try to decide what it’s going to replace so that I’m not bringing more into the home. The same goes for clothing, shoes, coats, often comes in and just adds more stuff.

Have An Extra Set

And then, in seemingly complete contradiction, I also recommend having an extra set of things that you need all the time. And more specifically, I am thinking of things like phone chargers. Computer Chargers. Cleaning supplies. Etc.

So for example, I have a phone charger down in my office connected to my computer. And I also have one up in my bathroom for charging at night. I have cleaning supplies in each bathroom and in the kitchen. Because that’s going to reduce the resistance and make it easier for me to clean wherever I am. I have tape and scissors with my wrapping paper Supply. That way when I’m wrapping gifts, I don’t have to go looking for the pair of scissors. I have a designated set for that job. This may sound excessive to you, but for me it has made things much easier. But again, when I have each set, each one has a designated Place. Each one has a specific home where it stays.

Reduce Your Choices

All right. Our last category that I want to explore with you today focuses on tactics to reduce blatant decision-making. So we’ve talked about different ways of reducing the smaller decisions that we make every day, like what meals to prepare, what we need from the grocery store, what notebook we should write our reminder in, etc. But I want to talk about a few bigger areas where we can deliberately reduce our choices as well.

Simplify your Clothing Selection

The first area I want to explore is in terms of your clothing. We spend so much time thinking about what we are going to wear. It’s a little crazy. And then not only is it what we’re going to wear, but what shoes to wear, what jewelry to wear, how we want to have our hair, what bag to bring Etc. There are so many decisions simply and how we dress ourselves.

There are a lot of different ways that we can reduce our decisions in terms of clothing. You could go The Very extreme route, which is adopting a uniform that you basically wear everyday. This is the Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg approach. Both of whom are famous for wearing a pair of jeans and a black turtleneck for Steve Jobs or a gray t-shirt for Mark Zuckerberg. Similarly, Obama was known for just wearing grey or navy blue suits because he had many more decisions to worry about than what he was going to wear.

If you don’t want to practice that much constraint and reduce your decisions so much, you could also limit your stores. So maybe you have one or two stores where you know the clothing fits you well, and that’s where you shop. that way you know exactly what size you wear, you can order anything you want online because you know it will fit you well. And it’s one less decision to make in terms of where you shop.

A step further back from that is simply laying out your clothes the night before. Decide what you want to wear – your clothing, your shoes, your accessories, everything. Have that prepared the night before so that when you get up and you’re getting ready for the day, you don’t have to think twice about what you’re going to wear.

My Approach

I do a version of the uniform. Basically, I have 8 or 9 cotton tops – most of which are black, some of them are gray or navy blue, and one maroon. They are short sleeve shirts, which I wear alone in the summer. And in the winter, I have four or five sweater Cardigans that I wear over the shirt. Everything matches. So all I have to do is literally grab a shirt grab a sweater and throw in a pair of jeans. Done. And since everything matches, I don’t waste any energy making a decision.

And as a side note/bonus tip, buy all of the same socks. Seriously. Do it. I have all the same brand and style of black socks and all the same brand and style of white socks. when you are doing laundry, you do not need to match socks. You just grab them and put them together. Super easy. It saves unnecessary wasted time. You’re welcome.

Keep a Running List of Things You Want To Do

So this next strategy comes from getting fed up with wasting time and indecision. And it is creating a running list of different things that you want to do. So let me get a little more specific here. The way I use this approach is creating a running list of books I want to read, movies I want to watch, or television shows I want to check out. I keep a running list, so that when I finish one of them I can check it off the list, and move to the next one.

This idea stemmed from so much wasted time paging through Netflix and Amazon Prime on movie night as my husband and I try to find a movie with my husband when we can’t decide. There have been times when this took so long that we ended up just watching a TV show instead because it got too late. I’m telling you, it’s ridiculous.

And once I thought about it for movies, I thought, hey, I could do this for anything. So now I have a list of books that I want to read, shows I want to watch, music I want to listen to, podcasts I want to listen to. And I have a running list. And any time I finish with one thing in the category, I know exactly what I’m going to start next because it’s next in the list. Super easy.

Delegate Decisions

My next strategy to help reduce decision making is to actually delegate your decisions. Let’s face it, you do not need to be making all of the decisions you do every day. Some of them you can delegate to others. I mentioned for the beginning of the episode that you could delegate the decision-making for dinners throughout the week to your family. 

You could do the same with date nights, family outings, or vacations. If you are the person who usually plans everything, take a minute and ask yourself, how can I get some help. Can you ask your partner to help out? Could you ask a friend? If you face a lot of decisions at work, could you ask your assistant or your colleague to help out with some of the decision-making areas?

Now here’s the deal, your brain is immediately going to say no. It’s going to tell you that you are the only person who could possibly make a decision. You’re the only one who knows all of the information. You are the only one who can do it. Challenge that. Because it’s not true. So I invite you to start small. Think of one little thing that you could hand off in terms of decision-making. Once you see how effective it is, you’re going to want to delegate those extra decisions as much as possible.

Constrain Your Goal

And the last tip I want to share with you in terms of simplifying your life, and reducing decision fatigue, is another big picture concept. And this is the importance of focusing on one main project or goal at a time.

I talked about this before, I think, but it is definitely worth repeating again. Because I know you listeners are big idea people. You have big goals and you want to do all of the things. And I know that because I’m the exact same way.

But the truth is this. When we try to do everything at once, we and we don’t move forward. We basically tread water without making any progress. Because we have our attention spread so thin. We’re making decisions for all of these different things. And we can’t really get a good grasp on any one area.

Just think about it. If you want to learn Spanish, write a book, build your business, and completely reorganize your house, trying to do all of that at once is going to spread yourself really thin. And you’ll basically just scratch the surface on all of these different areas without getting any traction. But if you go all-in on learning Spanish, you will make much quicker progress.

Plus, you will gain skills of not only speaking Spanish but also how to apply yourself in terms of learning a new skill generally. You gain all of these extra strategic byproducts of learning how to stick with a goal all the way through from start to finish. And then you can take what you learned on the macro-level of learning a new skill, and apply it to your next goal, whether that’s reading the book or building the business or reorganizing your house. So working toward one goal at a time allows you to narrow your focus and see measurable progress much faster than if you’re trying to do all the things all at once.


Wow! That was a lot of tactics. Hopefully, you’re still hanging with me. As I mentioned at the beginning. Don’t get overwhelmed by all of these different things don’t let your brain start telling you you have to do everything at once. Because they just mentioned with can straining your focus on one goal, if you try and do everything, you won’t do anything. So choose one or two things that seem super easy. And put them into practice.

Once you get those on a regular rotation, then you can branch out and start the next thing. And make sure that you grab the free pdf that I created that has all of these suggestions organized clearly for you so that once you’ve got the first few implemented, you can just return to the list and pull from there as you continued simplifying and streamlining your life.

Let’s Work Together

And if you are having a hard time focusing on just one thing. If you are struggling to follow through on these different suggestions. Or if you find yourself generally overwhelmed and would love some help simplifying, organizing, and reducing the stress in your life. I’d love to help. Just head to imbusybeingawesome.com/freesession, sign up for a consultation time that works for you, and we’ll chat. We’ll talk about what’s going on with you, where you’re struggling, and whether my ADHD coaching program would be a great fit to help you get yourself focused and organized, reduce your overwhelm, and start finishing those projects that you want to complete.

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