Behind the Scenes at I’m Busy Being Awesome| Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey friends!

I have a slightly different post for you today because Emily over at Pizza & Pull-Ups nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you, Emily!

Sunshine Blogger Award

If you haven’t been to Emily’s site yet, you must check it out. She shares delightful posts filled with delicious recipes, quick and easy workouts, and wonderful stories about her adventures as a working mom with two kiddos. (Talk about busy being awesome!)

In her nomination, Emily asked me 11 questions, which I’m excited to share with you today.

So let’s get down to business, shall we?

Sunshine Blogger Award

1. What made you start your blog?

I began a new job in June of 2017. After a few weeks, I realized that I needed a creative outlet in order to maintain a healthy balance between work and life.

Since teaching is my passion, and I love sharing my strategies for organization, time management, and self care, I decided to put these two interests together.

Enter I’m Busy Being Awesome; it’s a place to share my love of all things productive and balanced with other Busy Awesome readers.

2. What is your favorite thing about blogging so far?

The thing that I love the most about blogging, is the way it opened up a whole other world of possibilities for me. It introduced me to an incredible community, it pushed me to learn new skills, and it challenged me to open up and share some of my own challenges with you wonderful readers.

It has been a truly transformative experience, and I’m only getting started!

3. What’s the last show you binge-watched?

It’s been a while since I binge-watched a show… but not because I don’t want to. It’s simply because I’m not a fan of the over-the-top violence of most series dramas right now.

So with that being said, I’m going to tweak the question a little bit (I hope that’s okay, Emily 😉 ) and share my favorite shows I’ve binge-watched.

For comedy, the series that I most loved binge-watching was Parks and Recreation, which highly I recommend to everyone. The show is charming, it has lovable characters, and it is downright hilarious.

For dramas, I have to go with Downton Abbey, followed closely behind by Lost, each for very different reasons. If you haven’t had a chance to watch these shows yet, choose one and start it tonight. Seriously.

(Also, the third runner up: Mad Men)

4. Are you a night owl or an early bird?

Early-bird, no question. I’m up around 4:15/4:20 each day and get to the gym at 5:00. By the time 9:30 rolls around, however, I’m pretty wiped out.

5. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?

Ha! I am writing a book right now, but it’s for work. The title is The Film Scores of Aaron Copland. (I bet you can’t guess the subject…).

A book that I’m outlining for I’m Busy Being Awesome, however, is called “The Courage to Succeed.” And it explores the importance of courage in every part of our life, from daring to take chances, to chase our dreams, to share our true selves with the world.

6. If you could go on your dream vacation tomorrow where would you go?

This is a fantastic question. If our world wasn’t in its current state, I would say Egypt. I am fascinated with ancient Egyptian culture, and the pyramids specifically; I would love to see them up close.

More realistically, I would love to visit Kauai. I traveled to Oahu with my family when I was younger, and I’ve always wanted to explore Kauai as well.

7. Coffee or Tea (or if neither, beverage of choice)?

Coffee with cream. Though I’d like a cold Diet Mountain Dew as well, please.

8. What advice would you give to your teenage self?  Would your teenage self have listened?

I’d probably tell myself to relax, lighten up, and let go a bit. My perfectionism snuck up on me big time during high school; I wish I would have caught it before it had 18 years to grow roots.

Would I have listened? Maybe.

Ironically enough, I’m telling my current self this very thing.

Am I listening now? I’m sure trying!

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?  Do you keep them?

I do!

Do I keep them? Sometimes…

If the resolution is important to me, I keep it. If it feels superfluous, I usually let it go.

This year’s resolution – establishing and embracing work-life balance – is incredibly important to me, and I’ve been working hard to keep it. If you’ve missed my discussion of this, you can read about my New Year’s Resolution here. And my February update here.

Who would your celebrity best friend be?

Pete Seeger, hands-down.

Yes, I realize he has passed away. But I’m telling you, this man was a truly incredible person. He used his music and voice for social activism, and he made the world a better place for it. Period.

If you have any interest in this man, his remarkable life, or the folk music movement, I highly recommend watching Pete Seeger: The Power of Song. It’s the best music documentary I’ve ever seen.

What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?

Two things: I got a new pair of Birkenstocks that I’m especially stoked about, AND it hit 60 degrees twice in a row.  It’s the little things 🙂

Now to share the fun!

Here’s the deal; there are rules to follow with this nomination, and they include:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 5 new blogs to receive the award and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

So without further ado, I nominate:

Yolanda from Put the Kettle On

Nicole from Believe and Balance

Laura from The Mindful Mom Blographer

Renee from Fun Sized Life

Here are your questions, ladies:

  1. What’s your #1 piece of advice for new bloggers?
  2. How long have you been blogging, and why did you start?
  3. What’s the story behind your blog name?
  4. Who do you admire the most?
  5. What is your favorite way to practice self-care?
  6. What’s your favorite blog post?
  7. Tell us about a book that had a lasting impact on you.
  8. What is your proudest achievement?
  9. What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
  10. Where do you find your blogging inspiration
  11. What is your favorite quotation? Why?

Question time for YOU! Choose one or answer them all 🙂

  • Do you have a signature color? If so, what is it?
  • How do you handle writer’s block?
  • Are you a dog or a cat person?
  • What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?

Let me know below!

10 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes at I’m Busy Being Awesome| Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. I love the blogging community, it’s filled with such amazing supportive people and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of it! And those were some pretty good questions! Parks and Recreation is AMAZING. Chris Pratt is probably my favorite person ever and I just loved him in that show. Honestly, the whole show in general was amazing. I was so sad when it ended! Another show I’m more obsessed with is New Girl. I cannot get enough of that show, I feel like they’re all my best friends.

    1. YES! I forgot about New Girl. My husband and I watched that a lot. I need to go back to it; thanks for the reminder 🙂

  2. I love this post and the Sunshine Award! If I get writer’s block I often do something that doesn’t require a lot of mental energy (watch a favorite show) and then try again. Or talk about the subject I’m writing about with my husband. I love to talk with him about anything, and the conversation will be fun and interesting and get my ideas flowing again. -Maegan

    1. I love that tip, Maegan; talking through ideas is such a helpful idea for me, too. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Yeah!!! So fun getting to know you better. Parks and Recs is a favorite show of mine and I have it on in the background all the time when I am working on things. Can’t wait to read your book!

  4. I’m planning on answering these next weeks, but it’s nice to get to know you a little more! That’s awesome you’re working on books for the blog AND for work. I hope they are enjoyable to write. 🙂


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